Understanding code development expectations
TPMs are surrounded by software development teams and interact with developers, support engineers, and development managers on a daily basis. They are involved in technical discussions around requirements, release management, and feature and system designs. So, in the midst of all of this software talk, let’s explore what level of code proficiency is expected in the TPM role.
No code writing required!
As a TPM, your focus will not be on writing code yourself, but on getting it written through others. Of all of the TPMs I know and have worked with, only two—including myself—have written code as part of their role. I’ve heard of TPMs writing code in start-ups, and this aligns with our need to wear many hats because the number of people involved in a start-up is comparatively small and the need to step up has a higher chance of occurring. In larger companies, roles are usually tightly defined, and the overlap...