Decision system-based fuzzy logic
Consider you want to make a decision based on the current temperature, for instance, if the room's temperature is 30°C, then you turn on a cooler machine. Otherwise, if the room's temperature is 18°C, you turn on a heater machine.
This decision happens because we already defined exact values for turning on the machines. What's happening is that we say that we want to turn on the cooler machine if the room's temperature is hot. Furthermore, we also want to turn on the heater machine if the room's temperature is cold.
Cold and hot are two terms related to human linguistics. We should determine how cold and hot criteria are. A human differentiates the criteria for cold and hot, but how can a computer and machine know?
This problem can be solved using fuzzy logic. The idea of fuzzy logic was first introduced by Dr. Lotfi Zadeh from the University of California at Berkeley in the 1960s. The theory of fuzzy logic is developed with...