Teleoperating using hand gestures
The idea of this project is converting IMU orientation into the linear and angular velocity of the robot. Here is the overall structure of this project.
Figure 2: Basic structure of the gesture teleop project
For the IMU device, we are using an IMU called MPU-9250 ( The IMU will interface with an Arduino board using the I2C protocol. The orientation values from the IMU are computed by the Arduino and send to PC through the rosserial
protocol. The orientation values are received on the PC side as ROS topics and converted into twist messages using a ROS node.
Here is the project block diagram with the MPU 9250 and Arduino board:
Figure 3: Functional block diagram of the robot teleop project
We are using a hand glove in which an Arduino board is fixed in the palm area and an MPU-9250 is fixed on the finger area, as shown in the following image:
Figure 4: Hand glove with Arduino and MPU-9250...