Exploring advanced code analysis tools
The built-in code analysis and code metrics tools are very good for engineers wanting to pinpoint bad code and ensure code follows best practices for .NET projects, but they lack some enterprise-level features.
In this section, we’ll look at two different commercial analysis tools that I’ve found to provide additional value for .NET projects: SonarCloud and NDepend.
I won’t be covering how to set up these tools as both tools have comprehensive documentation that I’ve provided links to in the Further reading section at the end of this chapter. Instead, we’ll focus on the types of insights that dedicated code analysis tools can give you beyond what’s available in Visual Studio.
Tracking code metrics with SonarCloud and SonarQube
SonarCloud and SonarQube are a pair of commercial code analysis tools offered by SonarSource. Both products look at Git repositories containing code in a variety of popular...