Getting started with web servers and traffic control
The ability to set up and run your own web server is important to most companies. In this digital age, you must be able to keep up with the demands of the fast-paced world. Without a strong website to offer your customers access to your product or services you will greatly hinder your sales potential. The ability to grow your business, especially internationally, is the dream of most people that start a new business. Setting up a web server on RHEL 8 is pretty straightforward using Apache httpd or NGINX but can become complex when implementing rules to protect yourself.
The ability to keep these same resources safe is a must for any business. The need to be able to block malicious traffic or spoofing is vital to keep your company in good standing with your customers. Being able to respond to threats from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, for instance, is one of the things you need to be prepared for as a web server...