Chapter 5. Creating Dynamic Maps
In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:
- Accessing the map canvas
- Changing the map units
- Iterating over layers
- Symbolizing a vector layer
- Rendering a single band raster using a color ramp algorithm
- Creating a complex vector layer symbol
- Using icons as vector layer symbols
- Creating a graduated vector layer symbol
- Creating a categorized vector layer symbol
- Creating a map bookmark
- Navigating to a map bookmark
- Setting scale-based visibility for a layer
- Using SVG for layer symbols
- Using pie charts for symbols
- Using the OpenStreetMap service
- Using the Bing aerial image service
- Adding real-time weather data from OpenWeatherMap
- Labeling a feature
- Changing map layer transparency
- Adding standard map tools to the canvas
- Using a map tool to draw points on the canvas
- Using a map tool to draw polygons or lines on the canvas
- Building a custom selection tool
- Creating a mouse coordinate tracking tool