Storage - EBS, S3, RDS, ElasticCache, and CloudFront
When you create an EC2 instance, it works with one or several Elastic Block Stores (EBS) ( An EBS is a replicated storage volume EC2 instances can mount to use as their filesystem. When you create a new EC2 instance, you can create a new EBS, and decide if it runs on an SSD or an HDD disk, the initial size, and some other options. Depending on your choices, the volume is more or less expensive.
Simple Storage Service (S3) ( is a storage service that organizes data into buckets. Buckets are, roughly, namespaces that you can use to organize your data. A bucket can be seen as a key-value storage, where a value is data you want to store. There is no upper limit for the size of the data, and S3 provides everything needed to stream big files in and out of its buckets. S3 is often used to distribute files, since each entry in a bucket can be exposed as a unique, public URL. CloudFront can...