This chapter has the following technical requirements:
- You can find the code and the dataset at the following GitHub link:
- All the code blocks are available in the ch6.ipynb file.
- This chapter uses CSV files (demo.csv, product.csv, demo_sample_df.csv, my_first_demo.csv, and employee.csv), Excel files (employee.xlsx, employee_performance.xlsx, and new_employee_details.xlsx), JSON files (employee.json and employee_demo.json), an HTML file (country.html), a pickle file (demo_obj.pkl), an HDF5 file (employee.h5), and a Parquet file (employee.parquet) for practice purposes.
- In this chapter, we will use the pandas, pickle, pyarrow, sqlite3, pymysql, mysql-connector, pymongo, cassandra-driver, and redis Python libraries.