Using community Puppet style
If other people need to read or maintain your manifests, or if you want to share code with the community, it's a good idea to follow the existing style conventions as closely as possible. These govern such aspects of your code as layout, spacing, quoting, alignment, and variable references, and the official Puppet Labs recommendations on style are available at
How to do itβ¦
In this section I'll show you a few of the more important examples and how to make sure that your code is style-compliant.
Indent your manifests using two spaces (not tabs), as follows:
node 'monitoring' inherits 'server' { include icinga::server include repo::apt }
Always quote your resource names, for example:
package { 'exim4':
package { exim4:
Use single quotes for all strings, except when:
The string contains variable references (for example,
)The string contains character escape sequences (for example,
In these...