Chapter 4. Basics of Customization
To a certain extent, all we ever do when we use Plone-the-platform is to customize Plone-the-product. Sometimes, that means building a system that barely resembles "out-of-the-box" Plone; other times, it simply means adding a few bells and removing a few unnecessary whistles.
In this chapter, we will cover the main types of customization that Plone supports, including:
- Persistent settings in the ZODB
- GenericSetup configuration
- CMF Skin layers
- The Zope Component Architecture
Starting with the next chapter, these techniques will be explained more fully and put into practice in the context of the Optilux Cinemas case study.
Persistent settings and the ZODB
The first type of customization most developers come across is in the form of settings exposed by various Zope Management Interface screens and Plone control panels. Sometimes, they may also build applications that depend on particular content items or site structure. In both cases, part of...