Accessing a script from dynamic HTML
There are times when we run a Python script to create dynamic HTML pages (which are based upon certain triggers that we put in the script). These pages can be enhanced to add additional URLs to invoke other scripts when we click on those pages.
As an example, let's say we need to find out how many models of devices are in our network. For this we create a script, schedule it to run every hour with the task scheduler, and after each run a dynamic HTML page is created to show the updated stats or inventory. In a BYOD scenario, this also plays an important role, because each hour we can monitor what devices are on our network, and if we click on any of the discovered devices, we can get additional information such as a detailed show version.
Here's the Python code to create the dynamic HTML:
from pysnmp.hlapi import * print('Content-Type: text/html') print('') def finddevices(ip): errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next( getCmd...