Creating Autocomplete from a database
Most of the time, users are sick of filling up forms. However, from the website's point of view, user input is very important for data mining and better service. When the end user has the ability to fill up forms quickly, or fill up forms easily, it will help both end users and the website owners. Autocomplete is one such attempt to help end users. Overall, we have two types of Autocomplete designs:
Within the browser UI, by allowing the browser to remember certain form inputs
Within websites that employ the Autocomplete technique to quickly fill up forms
In this recipe, we'll see how to integrate the jQuery UI Autocomplete plugin in a PHP script.
Getting ready
We'll require the jQuery UI from, with the Autocomplete component. Note that the jQuery UI download page,, has a wizard-like interface to select the necessary files easily.
Regarding the database, we'll need to have a table with the schema jslibs (id...