Getting data from HBase
Sources like HBase are dynamically loaded and can have data structured in very different ways than what typical sources are known for. Unlike flat files or traditional relational databases, where there is a somewhat rigid data model, tables in a NoSQL database can be free form. There are several ways in which to query such a database, from writing Java code, using Hive to translate a SQL-like statement into an executable plan, or using a tool like Kettle to extract the needed data. For this recipe, we will be utilizing the HBase Input step to load data from HBase.
Getting ready
In order to follow this recipe, you will need to perform the Loading data into HBase recipe. We will be using the dataset created in HBase with that recipe, to answer the question posed while designing the data model—which players attended what school at a given year?
How to do it...
Perform the following steps to get the baseball data from HBase:
Create a new transformation.
Place an HBase Input...