Exposing BPMN process as a service
A common integration requirement is to expose the BPMN process as a service. There are cases when you need to expose Oracle BPM services to be consumed by BPEL, Mediator, and more specifically, by Oracle Service Bus. Exposing process as a webservice is a built-in capability of Oracle BPM. Process instance creation or process notification can be exposed as a service.
In a real world scenario, it would not be practical to have tasks initiated from within the BPM Workspace using the User Task Initiator component as you were doing till now. So you would use the SalesToContract
BPM process as a web service.
All the BPMN processes that define a process interface appear in the SOA Composite. To connect to a BPMN process using a custom web service client you need the following information:
Web Service Location: http://host:port/soa-infra/services/partition/compositDNe!revision/process.service
WSDL Location: http://host:port/soa-infra/services/partition/composite...