Perform the following steps:
- Start your OpenDaylight distribution using the karaf script. Using this script will give you access to the Karaf CLI:
$ ./bin/karaf
- Install the user-facing feature responsible for pulling in all dependencies needed to enable basic distributed switching:
opendaylight-user@root>feature:install odl-l2switch-switch-ui
It might take a few minutes to complete the installation.
- Creating a network using Mininet:
- Log in to Mininet-VM using:
- Username: mininet
- Password: mininet
- Clean current Mininet state:
If you're using the same instance as before, you want to clear its state. We previously created one bridge, br0, so let's delete it:
mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl del-br br0
In order to do so, use the following command:
mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER_IP}--topo=linear,3 --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
Using this command will create a virtual network provisioned with three switches that will connect to the controller specified by ${CONTROLLER_IP}. The previous command will also set up links between switches and hosts.
We will end up with three OpenFlow nodes in the opendaylight-inventory:
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
- URL: http://localhost:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes
This request will return the following:
"id": "openflow:1",
"id": "openflow:2",
"id": "openflow:3",
- Generate network traffic using mininet.
Between two hosts using ping:
mininet> h1 ping h2
The preceding command will cause host1 (h1) to ping host2 (h2), and we can see that host1 is able to reach h2.
Between all hosts:
mininet> pingall
The pingall command will make all hosts ping all other hosts.
- Checking address observations.
This is done thanks to the address tracker that observes address tuples on a switch's port (node-connector).
This information will be present in the OpenFlow node connector and can be retrieved using the following request (for openflow:2, which is the switch 2):
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
- URL: http://localhost:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/openflow:1/node-connector/openflow:2:1
This request will return the following:
"nodes": {
"node": [
"id": "openflow:2",
"node-connector": [
"id": "openflow:2:1",
"address-tracker:addresses": [
"id": 0,
"first-seen": 1462650320161,
"mac": "7a:e4:ba:4d:bc:35",
"last-seen": 1462650320161,
"ip": ""
This result means the host with the mac address 7a:e4:ba:4d:bc:35 has sent a packet to switch 2 and that port 1 of switch 2 handled the incoming packet.
- Checking the host address and attachment point to the node/switch:
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
- URL: http://localhost:8080/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1/
This will return the following:
address contains information about the mapping between the MAC address and the IP address, and attachment-points defines the mapping between the MAC address and the switch port.
- Checking the spanning tree protocol status for each link.
The spanning tree protocol status can be either forwarding, meaning packets are flowing on an active link, or discarding, indicating packets are not sent as the link is inactive.
To check the link status, send this request:
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
- URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/openflow:2/node-connector/openflow:2:2
This will return the following:
"node-connector": [
"id": "openflow:2:2",
"stp-status-aware-node-connector:status": "forwarding",
"opendaylight-port-statistics:flow-capable-node-connector-statistics": {}
In this case, all packets coming in port 2 of switch 2 will be forwarded on the established link.
- Checking created links.
In order to check the links created, we are going to send the same request as the one sent at step 6, but we will focus on a different part of the response:
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
- URL: http://localhost:8080/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1/
The different part this time is the following:
It represents links that were established while setting the topology earlier. It also provides the source, destination node, and termination point.