- Additive Operator Splitting (AOS) schemes
- about / The KAZE and AKAZE detectors
- addWeighted function
- about / Arithmetic transform
- AKAZE descriptors
- matching / Matching the AKAZE descriptors
- AKAZE detector
- about / The KAZE and AKAZE detectors
- URL / SVM for classification
- anisotropic filter / Filtering with the retina model
- API, OpenCV
- about / API concepts and basic datatypes
- arithmetic transform
- about / Arithmetic transform
- background subtraction
- about / Motion history
- overview / The Background subtraction technique
- Bagging classifier / The Random Forest classifier
- basic datatypes, OpenCV
- about / API concepts and basic datatypes
- unsigned char / API concepts and basic datatypes
- signed char / API concepts and basic datatypes
- unsigned short / API concepts and basic datatypes
- signed short / API concepts and basic datatypes
- int / API concepts and basic datatypes
- float...