Disables the charset module for re-encoding web pages.
Disables the gzip compression module.
Disables the server-side include module.
Disables the user ID module providing user identification via cookies.
Disables the access module allowing access configuration for IP address ranges.
Disables the basic authentication module.
Disables the mirror module, used for creating mirror requests to alternative backends.Â
Disables the automatic index module.
Disables the geo module allowing you to define variables depending on IP address ranges.
Disables the map module that allows you to declare map blocks.
Disables the split clients module, which can be used for A/B testing.
Disables the referer control module.
Disables the rewrite module.
Disables the proxy module for transferring requests to other servers.
Disables the FastCGI, uWSGI, or SCGI modules for interacting with respectively FastCGI, uWSGI, or SCGI processes.
Disables the memcached module for interacting with the memcache daemon.
Disables the limit connections module for restricting resource usage according to defined zones.
Disables the limit requests module allowing you to limit the amount of requests per user.
Disables the empty gif module that serves a blank GIF image from memory.
Disables the browser module that interprets the user agent string.
Disables the upstream hash module providing the hash directive in upstream blocks.
Disables the upstream IP hash module providing the ip_hash directive in upstream blocks.
Disables the upstream least—conn module providing the least_conn directive in upstream blocks.
Disables the upstream keepalive module.
Disables the upstream shared memory zone module.