We have touched upon accessibility in the previous chapter when we dealt with the creation of themes. We will now look at all other settings in Moodle that impact accessibility.
An area has been dedicated to Moodle accessibility in the MoodleDocs, which you can access at It provides useful links to standards, guidelines, legislation, and also subject-related tools and resources.
We know from the previous chapter that Moodle provides links to three external sites that check the current page for standard compliance. We have also seen how to activate them. Alternatively, you can install the Compliance block, which you can find in the Modules and plugins section on The installation of third-party modules is covered in detail in Chapter 13.
Accessibility Supported by the Moodle Editor
Moodle is fully compliant with all major accessibility standards. This has been achieved by implementing XHTML 1.0 Strict, which only allows the...