Android physical dumps and backups parsing with AXIOM
The AXIOM program, developed by the Magnet Forensics company, is a popular tool that is used both for computer forensics and for mobile forensics. It has three components:
- Magnet Acquire is a tool designed for data acquiring from hard disks, mobile devices, and other media (this tool was described in Chapter 2, Android Devices Acquisition)
- AXIOM Process is a tool designed for analysis of devices’ images, files, and folders
- AXIOM Examine is a tool in which the results of a performed analysis are displayed
The AXIOM program is able to extract data from Android mobile devices and analyze backups and physical dumps of such devices created earlier via Magnet Acquire or other tools.
In this chapter, we will describe the analysis of an Android mobile device via AXIOM.
Getting ready
On the website of the developer, you can request a trial version of AXIOM with the full product functionality for 30 days. You will receive an email to the email address...