The Nokia 5110 LCD display is a basic monochrome graphics LCD screen that can be used in numerous projects. Nokia originally developed this display for use with cell phones in the late 1990's. This display uses the PCD8544 LCD controller/driver.
Having an LCD display greatly improves the user interface of any project because we have the ability to display messages directly to the user letting them know what is happening or giving them specific error messages if something goes wrong. The 5110 LCD allows us to display both text and graphics.
The 5110 LCD has a display area of approximately 4.2 cm with 84 × 48 individual pixels. The display is inexpensive and very easy to use with the Adafruit 5110 LCD library that we will be using in this chapter. The 5110 LCD that we will be using in this chapter looks like the following:
The 5110 LCD display comes mounted...