The art of the transition
Transitions are primarily used in dance music to merge two sections together, build tension within a section, or provide subtle changes to a monotonous sound. In the previous chapter, we listened to Swedish House Mafia, and how they used a combination of reverb, sweeps, pitched instruments, and dropouts to transition from one section to the next. You may want to revisit the song "One" once this chapter is finished, to understand where different types of transitions work best for different effects.
Since finishing the last chapter, here is the arrangement I came up with:
In my arrangement, I decided to leave the sample out for now. I may use it in an audio file processor later, but for now I'm leaving it muted. As you can see, the rest of the tracks are muted and un-muted at will, and the new parts we added in the last chapter have been copied and pasted to the end of the song.
Using dropouts
Remember in the beginning of the piece when we created a...