Time for action – making the statues disappear after a delay
The game file that needs to be imported and loaded for this session is 5961_04_09.stencyl
Let's create a timer that will remove each statue from the scene after a specified delay, Now perform the following instructions:
If the Drop Actors Randomly tab is open, then close the tab.
On the Dashboard, click on Actor Behaviors.
Create a new actor behavior called Manage Statues.
Click on +Add Event and select Time from the menu.
Click on the After N seconds icon.
Change the name of the After N Seconds event to
Kill statues
.In the do after … seconds block, enter the number
into the textbox.The Actor section button in the instruction block palette should already be selected, so click on the gray Properties category button in the palette.
Drag the blue kill Self block onto the orange do after 5 seconds block, as shown in the following screenshot:
Click on the green Attach to Actor Type button above the instruction blockpalette, and double-click...