Exploring text using linguistic analysis
Using the Linguistic Analysis API, we can explore the structure of text. We can access part-of-speech tagging and parsing, which allows us to tap into important concepts and actions. By using this API, we can understand the structure of a text. This can help us if we are mining customer feedback, interpreting user commands, or consuming web text.
As linguistic analysis is an advanced topic, we will not dive into all its details. Instead, we will go through a quick introduction to key concepts, and then see how we can do the analysis itself. We will not spend time on parsing the resulting data for the UI, so we will simply print the JSON result.
For more information on linguistic analysis and natural language analysis, please refer to the following Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language_processing.
Introduction to linguistic analysis
At the time of writing, there are currently three available tools in the API. These are...