The following challenge exercise may require the use of the official jQuery documentation at
- When the user clicks on a photo, add or remove the selected class on the photo <div>. Make sure this behavior works even for photos added later using the Next Page link.
- Add a new custom event called pageLoaded that fires when a new set of images has been added to the page.
- Using the nextPage and pageLoaded handlers, show a Loading message at the bottom of the page only while a new page is being loaded.
- Bind a mousemove handler to photos that logs the current mouse position (using console.log()).
- Revise this handler to perform the logging no more than five times a second.
- Challenge: Create a new special event named tripleclick that fires when the mouse button is clicked on three times within 500 milliseconds. To test the event, bind a tripleclick handler to the <h1> element...