Slideshow widgets
The Slideshow widgets work in a very similar fashion to the Composition widgets, the main difference being the Slideshow widgets work exclusively with images while the Composition widgets can work with any type of content. The types of Slideshow widgets available in the Widgets Library menu are:
Basic: The Basic Slideshow widget consists of a large content area, surrounded by a dark gray border. Underneath the content area there is a caption area, the number of slides or images which make up the slideshow, and a next and previous button. When you drag out the widget, it comes preloaded with three slides.
Blank: The Blank Slideshow widget is similar to the Basic Slideshow widget except that it is empty when you drag-and-drop the widget out onto the page.
Lightbox: The Lightbox Slideshow widget dims the rest of the page while the gallery element being displayed is active. This is a very popular type of slideshow on the web as it keeps the visitor's focus on the gallery element...