Consider the tips as follows:
- There is no patch for human stupidity or, in other words, there is always a way to manipulate humans (as you will read about in this book). As a result, you or your employees are the most difficult and the biggest resource that you have to protect.
- Conduct a user awareness session often. There is always room for improvement in any social engineering training.
- Do not share anything sensitive with anyone. Keep in mind, once a secret is known by two people, it's not a secret anymore.
- If you are not sure about anything, proceed with caution.
- Ensure physical security.
- Classify information against dumpster-diving attacks. Even big corporations used this kind of attack in the past.
- Keep in mind, based on ISACA in 2016, social engineering was, at 52%, the top cyber threat facing organizations. Regardless of when you are reading this section, social engineering will be still one of most dangerous attack types
Refer to for the top three cyber threats facing organizations in 2016.