Time for action – adding styles to the article text
Let's create a new article and see how we can format it adequately.
Navigate to Content | Article Manager and click on New.
In the Title box, enter
Just What is Ugly Art?
This is the type of factual content that fits the Facts category, so let's select the Facts category (a subcategory of the Bad Art category). This is shown in the following screenshot:By default, Status (found under Details) is set to Published. Let's set it to Unpublished. This way, the article will remain invisible to your site's visitors until you're finished with it.
We don't want this article to show up on our home page, so leave Featured set to No.
In the text editor screen, add some article text. If you want to copy text from a word processor document, it's really important to first strip out all of the formatting. This way, you can avoid invisible word processor tags messing up your article text. To do this, open the Notepad application on your PC (or TextEdit on a...