JavaFX 8 development prerequisites
Now as we have set up and configured our Raspberry Pi for development, we need to install the same correct matching JDK 8 build version on both our development machine and the Pi. This is very important to avoid library/versioning issues when running our JavaFX 8 application, and this is what we are going to do next.
Installing Java SE 8 on the Raspberry Pi
At the time of writing, Raspbian Wheezy is shipped with JDK 8 preinstalled. To check, simply type the following at your Pi command prompt:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ java –version
You will see something like this, depending upon the version that is currently installed and accessible:
The important bit is the second line: if it doesn't say 1.8.n, you'll need to install JDK8.
Installing Java SE 8
We have already installed our JDK 8 before and all necessary steps are described in the Installing Java SE 8 JDK section in Chapter 1, Getting Started with JavaFX 8.