IR tactics in the cloud
Everything that we have covered so far has involved the cloud in some way, and in some areas, you have probably noticed that cloud computing can make IR a bit more complex. In this section, you will get some tips and tricks to help you to make the IR process in cloud environments less complex.
Cloud computing, which essentially entails outsourcing IT, can make your IR processes complex. With the cloud, your systems and data may be scattered all over the place, on systems that you share with other customers of your cloud provider. This can apply to your private cloud too. Your IR process should change accordingly, because the way you perform a forensic examination of a server when it's a virtual machine running across shared hardware is never the same as when you do it in a traditional server box that runs on an operating system.
In this section, you will find two sets of recommendations on what to do before moving to the cloud and what to do during...