Preparing a team space
Here, we will create a space in which a team can collaborate. This virtual space is similar to a physical office where people can communicate with each other and work together. We need this space because it will be the home for all the content that your team will need.
We also want this space to have the following properties:
- We want transparency. All content must be accessible to everyone unless specifically indicated.
- All information should be collaboratively recorded, shared, and updated.
- This space must be a single source of truth for our team.
- This area should accelerate the adaptation of newcomers to the team.
- It should contribute to fostering trust between team members.
- We ought to minimize outdated information or do parallel work.
- We need to switch between tools to find documents.
Meanwhile, we want this space to contain the following content:
- A home page to welcome the team
- Contact information of...