What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introducing Hyper-V Security, starts by discussing the important concepts of security in a Hyper-V environment.
Chapter 2, Securing the Host, deals with securing the management operating system. A Hyper-V system runs a critical hypervisor, but it also runs a server operating system that has its own security requirements.
Chapter 3, Securing Virtual Machines from the Hypervisor, focuses on Hyper-V security from the perspective of the hypervisor.
Chapter 4, Securing Virtual Machines, turns the attention from the hypervisor to its guests. This includes not only securing them as virtual machines, but as computers that run typical operating systems and applications with security needs of their own.
Chapter 5, Securing the Network, covers a variety of methods that are at your disposal to secure network communications for both hosts and guests.
Chapter 6, Securing Hyper-V Storage, details the considerations and techniques involved for the protection of your virtual machines' data.
Chapter 7, Hyper-V Security and System Center VMM, explores System Center Virtual Machine Manager and discusses how having SCVMM in play changes the security discussion.
Chapter 8, Secure Hybrid Cloud Management through App Controller, discusses system requirements, installation, and configuration of App Controller, including its role-based security model for multiple public/private clouds.