Taking Your Testing to the Next Level
We began our journey in this book by trying to identify where we are in terms of quality. Throughout, we have seen different levels of testing and technical tips and techniques to learn more about each of them. In this chapter, we will review softer ways of taking your testing to the next level, including finding your style and interests, figuring out what skills you will need if you want to make a professional move or transition, how to get inspiration, and how to inspire others and help them grow as well.
Although this chapter has been written for people that work in quality-related positions, many of the topics could be applicable and of use to people that work in other parts of the software development life cycle, and especially, for movement across the roles.
In this chapter, we will cover the following main topics:
- Challenging your career:
- Finding hot topics
- Finding your style – horizontal versus vertical knowledge
- Finding...