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Hands-On Penetration Testing with Kali NetHunter

You're reading from  Hands-On Penetration Testing with Kali NetHunter

Product type Book
Published in Feb 2019
ISBN-13 9781788995177
Pages 302 pages
Edition 1st Edition
Authors (2):
Glen D. Singh Glen D. Singh
Profile icon Glen D. Singh
Sean-Philip Oriyano Sean-Philip Oriyano
Profile icon Sean-Philip Oriyano
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Table of Contents (19) Chapters close

Title Page
Copyright and Credits
About Packt
1. Introduction to Kali NetHunter 2. Understanding the Phases of the Pentesting Process 3. Intelligence-Gathering Tools 4. Scanning and Enumeration Tools 5. Penetrating the Target 6. Clearing Tracks and Removing Evidence from a Target 7. Packet Sniffing and Traffic Analysis 8. Targeting Wireless Devices and Networks 9. Avoiding Detection 10. Hardening Techniques and Countermeasures 11. Building a Lab 12. Selecting a Kali Device and Hardware 1. Other Books You May Enjoy Index



  • access control lists (ACLs) / Hardening networking devices
  • access point (AP) / What is Kali NetHunter?, Aircrack-ng
  • ACK flags / XMAS scans
  • ACK scan / ACK scans
  • active sniffing / Active sniffing
  • active techniques, password-cracking
    • about / Active techniques
    • Ncrack / Working with Ncrack
    • offline attacks / Offline attacks
    • rainbow tables / Rainbow tables
  • activist / Hacktivist
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) / The MITM framework, Man-in-the-Middle
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) / Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
  • advanced persistent threats (APTs) / Penetration testing
  • Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) / Small computers
  • Aircrack-ng / The MANA Wireless Toolkit, Aircrack-ng
  • aircrack-ng
    • about / Aircrack-ng
    • reference / Wireless attacks
  • airmon-ng
    • about / Aircrack-ng
    • wireless networks, observing / Observing wireless networks using airmon-ng
  • airmon-ng tool / Aircrack-ng
  • Android-based devices / What is Kali NetHunter?
  • Android architecture
    • about / The Android architecture
    • application layer / The Application layer
    • application framework layer / The Application Framework Layer
    • Android libraries / Android Libraries
    • Android runtime / Android Runtime
    • kernel / Kernel
  • Android Device Manager / Android Device Manager
  • Android libraries / Android Libraries
    • about / Android Libraries
    • media framework / Android Libraries
    • SQLite / Android Libraries
    • WebKit / Android Libraries
  • Android platform / The Android platform and security model
  • Android runtime / Android Runtime
  • Android security model
    • about / The Android platform and security model, The Android security model
    • Android Device Manager / Android Device Manager
    • SafetyNet / SafetyNet
    • applications, verifying / Verify applications
    • application service / Application services
    • Android updates / Android updates
    • Google Play Store / The Google Play Store
    • Google Play Protect / Google Play Protect
  • Android Studio
    • URL / Installing NetHunter
  • Android updates / Android updates
  • anonymous / Hacktivist
  • application framework layer / The Application Framework Layer
  • application framework layer, components
    • package manager / The Application Framework Layer
    • activity manager / The Application Framework Layer
    • content provider / The Application Framework Layer
    • telephony manager / The Application Framework Layer
    • location manager / The Application Framework Layer
    • resource manager / The Application Framework Layer
    • notification manager / The Application Framework Layer
    • Java API framework / The Application Framework Layer
  • application layer / The Application layer
  • Application Programming Interface (API) / Using Shodan
  • applications
    • executing, remotely / Executing applications
    • executing, on target / Executing applications on the target
  • application service / Application services
  • arpspoof
    • using / Arpspoof
  • attack phase / The attack phase


  • backdoor
    • planting, with Netcat / Exercise – planting a backdoor with Netcat
  • backdoors / Executing applications
  • Backtrack / What is Kali NetHunter?
  • Backtrack 5
    • about / What is Kali NetHunter?
    • Metasploit / What is Kali NetHunter?
    • SAINT / What is Kali NetHunter?
    • Maltego / What is Kali NetHunter?
  • Bacon Root Toolkit
    • reference link / Installing NetHunter
  • BadUSB MITM attacks / BadUSB MITM attacks
  • banner grabbing
    • about / Banner grabbing
    • Telnet, used / Exercise using Telnet to banner-grab
    • Nmap, used / Exercise – using nmap to banner-grab
  • Basic Server Set (BSS) / Basic Service Set
  • black box testing / Types of penetration tests
  • black hat hacker / Black hat
  • bluebugging / Bluetooth hacking
  • bluejacking / Bluetooth hacking
  • bluesnarfing / Bluetooth hacking
  • bluesniffing / Bluetooth hacking
  • blue team
    • versus red team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • versus purple team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • about / Blue team
  • Bluetooth attacks / Bluetooth hacking
  • Bluetooth hacking / Bluetooth hacking
  • Bridge mode / Step 3 – setting up Metasploitable
  • bring-your-own-device (BYOD) / What is Kali NetHunter?
  • Buck-security
    • reference link / Security scanner for Linux
  • BusyBox application / Installing NetHunter


  • Client system security
    • about / Client system security
    • Windows baseline / The Windows baseline
    • Windows registry / The Windows registry
    • user accounts / User accounts
    • patch management / Patch management
    • Windows Firewall / Windows Firewall
    • services, disabling / Disabling services
    • Linux baseline / The Linux baseline
  • command prompt
    • used, for clearing logs in Windows / Using the command prompt to clear logs in Windows
  • computer wiz(ard) / The need for penetration testing
  • concerning passwords / Concerning passwords
  • cybersecurity / Clearing tracks


  • database logs / Database logs
  • de-authentication attack / Wireless threats
  • de-authentication attacks / Exercise – de-authentication attacks
  • decoys / Decoys
  • deliverables / Deliverables
  • DHCP server logs / DHCP server logs
  • digital versatile disk (DVD) / Small computers
  • DNS
    • enumerating / Enumerating DNS
  • dnsenum
    • about / Using dnsenum, Exercise – working with dnsenum
    • working with / Exercise – working with dnsenum
  • DNSenum / Enumerating DNS
    • using / Using DNSMAP
  • Dsniff / Dsniff, Dsniff
  • DuckHunter HID / DuckHunter HID
  • Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) / MAC spoofing
  • Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) / Hardening networking devices


  • Echosec
    • about / Using Echosec
    • using / Using Echosec
    • working with / Exercise – working with Echosec
  • event logs / Event logs
  • evil twin / Wireless threats
  • Exploit-DB
    • URL / Searchsploit
  • Exploit Database by Offensive Security
    • URL / The attack phase
  • EXPN mode / Exercise – working with smtp-user-enum
  • Extended Service Set (ESS) / Extended Service Set
  • external components
    • about / External components
    • wireless adapters / Wireless adapters
    • on-the-go (OTG) cable / OTG cables


  • Fierce / Using DNSMAP
  • FIN flags / XMAS scans
  • FIN scan / FIN scans
  • fragmentation / Fragmentation
  • frameworks / Working with Recon-Ng
  • Full Driver Installation Guide / Installing NetHunter
  • Full Open scan / Full Open/TCP connect scans


  • Gem PDA
    • about / Gem PDA
    • reference link / Gem PDA
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) / The Application Framework Layer
  • Google Find My Device / Android Device Manager
  • Google Hacking
    • about / Google Hacking
    • search engine / Exercise – what's the Right Search Engine
  • Google Hacking Database (GHDB) / Exercise – what's the Right Search Engine
  • Google Play Protect / Google Play Protect
  • Google Play Store / The Google Play Store
  • graphical user interface (GUI) / Script kiddie
  • grey box testing / Types of penetration tests
  • grey hat hacker / Grey hat


  • hacker / The need for penetration testing
  • hacker, types
    • about / Types of hackers
    • white hat hacker / White hat
    • grey hat hacker / Grey hat
    • black hat hacker / Black hat
    • script kiddie / Script kiddie
    • suicide hacker / Suicide hacker
    • hacktivist / Hacktivist
    • state-sponsored hacker / State-sponsored hacker
  • HackRF device / Software defined radio
  • hacktivist / Hacktivist
  • Hak5
    • URL / DuckHunter HID
    • reference / The need for sniffing traffic
  • hard disk drive (HDD) / Small computers
  • hardware-based sniffer / The need for sniffing traffic
  • hashcat
    • passwords, recovering / Exercise – recovering passwords with hashcat
  • hives / The Windows registry
  • host
    • determining / Determining whether a host is up or down
    • working, with ping / Exercise – working with ping
  • Host-only Adapter settings / Step 3 – setting up Metasploitable
  • HTTrack
    • using / Using HTTrack, Exercise – using HTTrack
    • about / Using HTTrack
  • Human Interface Device (HID) attack / HID attacks
  • hypervisor
    • about / Hypervisor
    • type 1 hypervisor / Type 1
    • type 2 hypervisor / Type 2


  • idle scans / Idle scans
  • Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS) / Independent Basic Service Set
  • Information Technology and Communication (ICT) / Blue team
  • initialization vectors (IVs) / Wi-Fi Protected Access
  • input/output (I/O) / Hypervisor
  • Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) / Wireless standards
  • Institute for Security and Open Methodologies (ISECOM) / Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
  • intelligence gathering
    • objectives / Objectives of intelligence gathering
    • white box / Objectives of intelligence gathering
    • grey box / Objectives of intelligence gathering
    • black box / Objectives of intelligence gathering
    • about / Information for the taking
    • types / Types of information available
    • network information / Network information
    • organization data / Organizational data
    • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) / Organizational data
    • tools / Tools for gathering useful information
    • Shodan, used / Using Shodan
    • Metagoofil, used / Using Metagoofil
    • Parsero, used / Using Parsero
    • wget, used / Using wget
    • HTTrack, used / Using HTTrack
    • Google Hacking / Google Hacking
    • location / Location
    • social networking / Social networking
    • Echosec, used / Using Echosec
  • Internet Information Server (IIS) / Web server logs
  • Internet of Things (IoT) / Using Shodan
  • intrusion-prevention system (IPS) / Fragmentation
  • IP fragmentation ID / Idle scans


  • Kali ARM
    • reference link / ODROID U2
  • Kali Linux / What is Kali NetHunter?
  • Kali NetHunter
    • about / What is Kali NetHunter?
    • tools / Tools within Kali NetHunter
    • MAC changer / MAC Changer
    • man-in-the-middle (MITM) framework / The MITM framework
    • Human Interface Device (HID) attack / HID attacks
    • DuckHunter HID / DuckHunter HID
    • BadUSB MITM attacks / BadUSB MITM attacks
    • MANA Wireless Toolkit / The MANA Wireless Toolkit
    • Software Defined Radio (SDR) / Software defined radio
    • Network Mapper (NMap) / Network Mapper
    • Metasploit Payload Generator / The Metasploit Payload Generator
    • searchsploit / Searchsploit
    • installing / Installing NetHunter
    • building, for specific device / Building Kali NetHunter for a specific device (optional)
  • Kali NetHunter, devices
    • reference link / Installing NetHunter
  • Kali NetHunter, official release
    • URL, for downloading / Installing NetHunter
  • Kali NetHunter, ROMs
    • reference link / Installing NetHunter
  • kernel / Kernel
  • keyloggers / Executing applications
  • keystroke-injection / DuckHunter HID
  • king of network scanners / Network Mapper
  • Kismet / Kismet


  • Linux
    • logs, clearing in / Clearing logs in Linux
  • Linux baseline
    • about / The Linux baseline
    • security scanner / Security scanner for Linux
    • services, disabling / Disabling services in Linux
  • logs
    • types / Types of logs and their locations
    • locations / Types of logs and their locations
    • DHCP server logs / DHCP server logs
    • syslog messages / Syslog messages
    • packet analysis / Packet analysis
    • web server logs / Web server logs
    • database logs / Database logs
    • event logs / Event logs
    • clearing, on Windows / Clearing logs on Windows
    • clearing, in Linux / Clearing logs in Linux
  • logs, Windows
    • clearing, PowerShell used / Using PowerShell to clear logs in Windows
    • clearing, command prompt used / Using the command prompt to clear logs in Windows
    • clearing, Meterpreter used / Clearing logs in Linux
  • Lynis
    • reference link / Security scanner for Linux


  • MAC changer / MAC Changer
  • MAC spoofing / MAC spoofing
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack / Man-in-the-Middle
  • man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack / BadUSB MITM attacks, Active sniffing
  • man-in-the-middle (MITM) framework / The MITM framework
  • MANA Wireless Toolkit
    • about / The MANA Wireless Toolkit
    • Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) / The MANA Wireless Toolkit
    • Service Set Identifier (SSID) / The MANA Wireless Toolkit
    • channel / The MANA Wireless Toolkit
  • media access control (MAC) / DHCP server logs, Arpspoof, Wi-Fi Protected Access
  • metadata / Using Metagoofil
  • Metagoofil
    • using / Using Metagoofil
    • about / Using Metagoofil
    • used, to collect information / Exercise using Metagoofil to collect information
    • Nikto, used / Using Nikto
    • robots.txt / What is robots.txt?
  • Metasploit
    • URL / The attack phase, Vulnerable systems
  • Metasploitable 2
    • reference link / Step 2 – obtaining vulnerable systems
  • Metasploit Framework (MSF) / The Metasploit Payload Generator
  • Metasploit Payload Generator / The Metasploit Payload Generator, Metasploit Payload Generator
  • Metasploit Payload Generator, payloads
    • reverse or bind / The Metasploit Payload Generator
    • staged or stageless / The Metasploit Payload Generator
  • Meterpreter
    • used, for clearing Windows logs / Clearing logs in Linux
  • methodology / Penetration testing methodologies and frameworks
  • Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
    • about / The Windows baseline
    • reference link / The Windows baseline
  • MITM framework / The MITM framework
  • mobile devices
    • hardening / Hardening mobile devices
  • mobile hardware / Mobile hardware
  • msfvenom payload-generator / The Metasploit Payload Generator


  • Ncrack
    • about / Working with Ncrack
    • working with / Exercise – working with Ncrack
  • Netcat
    • about / Exercise – planting a backdoor with Netcat
    • backdoor, planting / Exercise – planting a backdoor with Netcat
  • NetHunter
    • enumeration / Enumeration with NetHunter
  • networking devices
    • hardening / Hardening networking devices
  • network interface card (NIC) / MAC Changer, Aircrack-ng
  • Network Mapper (NMap)
    • about / Network Mapper
    • using / Using Nmap
    • Ping Sweep, performing / Exercise – Performing a Ping Sweep with Nmap
  • Nexus 4 smartphones / Installing NetHunter
  • Nexus 5 smartphones / Installing NetHunter
  • Nexus 7 tablets / Installing NetHunter
  • Nexus 10 tablets / Installing NetHunter
  • Nexus Root Toolkit
    • URL / Installing NetHunter
  • Nikto
    • about / Using Nikto
    • using / Using Nikto
    • working with / Exercise – working with Nikto
  • Nslookup / nslookup
  • Null scan / NULL scans


  • Offensive Security
    • URL / What is Kali NetHunter?, Mobile hardware
  • offline attacks / Offline attacks
  • on-the-go (OTG) cable / HID attacks, OTG cables
  • Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) / Penetration testing methodologies and frameworks, Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
  • Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) / OWASP testing framework
  • operating system (OS) / Hypervisor
  • operators / Exercise – what's the Right Search Engine
  • optional hardware / Additional optional hardware
  • organizational information / Organizational data
  • organization data / Organizational data
  • other common viruses
    • about / Other common viruses
    • Trojans / Other common viruses
    • Spyware / Other common viruses
    • Rootkits / Other common viruses
  • over-the-air (OTA) / Android updates, Hardening mobile devices
  • OWASP Broken Web Applications
    • reference link / Step 2 – obtaining vulnerable systems
  • OWASP testing framework
    • reference link / OWASP testing framework
    • about / OWASP testing framework
    • phases / OWASP testing framework
    • OWASP testing framework / OWASP testing framework
  • OWASP Top 10 / OWASP testing framework
  • OWASP Top 10 – 2017 / OWASP testing framework


  • packet-sniffing, techniques
    • about / Types of packet-sniffing techniques
    • active sniffing / Active sniffing
    • passive sniffing / Passive sniffing
  • packet analysis
    • about / Packet analysis
    • tools / Packet analysis techniques
  • packet sniffing
    • need for / The need for sniffing traffic
    • tools / Tools and techniques of packet sniffing
  • Parsero
    • using / Using Parsero
    • about / Using Parsero
    • working with / Exercise – working with Parsero
  • passive sniffing / Passive sniffing
  • passive techniques, password-cracking
    • about / Passive techniques
    • Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) / Man-in-the-Middle
    • SSL strip / Exercise – working with SSL strip
  • password-cracking
    • about / Concerning passwords
    • approach, selecting / Choosing an approach to cracking
    • passive techniques / Choosing an approach to cracking, Passive techniques
    • direct techniques / Choosing an approach to cracking
    • active techniques / Active techniques
  • passwords
    • recovering, with hashcat / Exercise – recovering passwords with hashcat
  • patch management / Patch management
  • Paterva
    • URL / What is Kali NetHunter?
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) / PCI penetration testing guide
  • penetration testing
    • need for / The need for penetration testing
    • hacker, types / Types of hackers
    • about / Penetration testing
    • blue team, versus red team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • red team, versus blue team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • purple team, versus blue team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • types / Types of penetration tests
    • phases / Phases of penetration testing
    • reconnaissance phase / Reconnaissance
    • scanning phase / Scanning
    • gaining access / Gaining access
    • maintaining access / Maintaining access
    • clearing tracks / Clearing tracks
  • penetration testing, phases
    • about / Phases of penetration testing
    • pre-attack phase / The pre-attack phase
    • attack phase / The attack phase
    • post-attack phase / The post-attack phase
  • Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES)
    • about / Penetration Testing Execution Standard
    • reference link / Penetration Testing Execution Standard
  • penetration testing frameworks
    • about / Penetration testing methodologies and frameworks
    • OWASP testing framework / OWASP testing framework
  • penetration testing lab
    • setting up / Setting up the lab
    • hypervisor, installing / Step 1 – installing the hypervisor
    • vulnerable systems, obtaining / Step 2 – obtaining vulnerable systems
    • Metasploitable, setting up / Step 3 – setting up Metasploitable
    • OWASP broken web applications project, setting up / Step 4 – setting up the OWASP broken web applications project
  • penetration testing methodologies
    • about / Penetration testing methodologies and frameworks
    • PCI penetration testing guide / PCI penetration testing guide
    • Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) / Penetration Testing Execution Standard
    • Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) / Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
  • personal digital assistant (PDA) / Gem PDA
  • Personal Identifiable Information (PII) / PCI penetration testing guide
  • port scanning / Port scanning
  • post-attack phase / The post-attack phase
  • PowerShell
    • used, for clearing logs in Windows / Using PowerShell to clear logs in Windows
  • pre-attack phase / The pre-attack phase
  • privileges
    • escalating / Escalating privileges
  • Process Monitor / The Windows registry
  • purple team
    • versus blue team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • versus red team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • about / Purple team


  • rainbow tables
    • about / Rainbow tables
    • creating / Exercise – creating the rainbow table
  • Rapid7
    • references / Clearing logs in Linux
  • Raspberry Pi / Raspberry Pi 2 and 3
  • Raspberry Pi 2 / Raspberry Pi 2 and 3
  • Raspberry Pi 3 / Raspberry Pi 2 and 3
  • RCPT mode / Exercise – working with smtp-user-enum
  • Recon-Ng
    • working with / Working with Recon-Ng
    • about / Working with Recon-Ng
  • reconnaissance phase / Reconnaissance
  • red team
    • versus blue team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • versus purple team / Blue teaming vs red teaming vs purple team
    • about / Red team
  • Remote Access Trojans (RATs) / Maintaining access, Other common viruses
  • reverse DNS lookup
    • about / Reverse DNS Lookups
    • NS record, looking up / Looking up an NS record
    • MX record, querying / Querying an MX record
    • SOA record, querying / Querying an SOA record
    • DNS, querying / Querying another DNS
  • robots.txt / What is robots.txt?
  • rogue access point / Wireless threats
  • rooting / Hardening mobile devices
  • RST flags / XMAS scans
  • rtgen
    • working with / Exercise – working with rtgen


  • SafetyNet / SafetyNet
  • SAINT Corporation
    • URL / What is Kali NetHunter?
  • scanning
    • about / Scanning, Conducting a scan, Scanning
    • conducting / Conducting a scan
    • results, troubleshooting / Troubleshooting scanning results
    • stealth scan / Stealth scanning
    • stealth scanning / Stealth scanning
    • decoys / Decoys
    • idle scans / Idle scans
  • scanning phase / Scanning
  • search engine
    • Allinurl network cameras / Exercise – what's the Right Search Engine
    • Allintitle virus description / Exercise – what's the Right Search Engine
    • Filetype / Exercise – what's the Right Search Engine
    • Allinurl / Exercise – what's the Right Search Engine
  • searchsploit / Searchsploit
  • security threats
    • about / Security threats and countermeasures
    • countermeasures, implementing / Security threats and countermeasures
    • viruses / Viruses
    • other common viruses / Other common viruses
  • Server Message Block (SMB)
    • about / Working with SMB
    • working with / Working with SMB
    • enum4linux, used / Exercise – using enum4linux
    • acccheck, used / Exercise – using acccheck
    • SMBmap, used / Exercise – using SMBmap
  • services
    • disabling / Disabling services
  • Service Set Identifier (SSID) / Service Set Identifier
  • Shodan
    • using / Using Shodan
    • about / Using Shodan
    • filters, working with / Working with filters
  • small computers / Small computers
  • SMTP
    • about / Enumerating SMTP
    • enumerating / Enumerating SMTP
    • NMAP, used to enumerate / Exercise – using NMAP to enumerate
    • smtp-user-enum, working with / Exercise – working with smtp-user-enum
  • sniffing / Passive techniques
  • Software Defined Radio (SDR) / Software defined radio
  • SSL / Man-in-the-Middle
  • SSL strip
    • about / Man-in-the-Middle
    • working with / Exercise – working with SSL strip
  • Start Of Authority (SOA) / Querying an SOA record
  • state-sponsored hacker / State-sponsored hacker
  • stealth scan / Stealth scans, Stealth scanning
  • stealth scanning / Stealth scanning
  • suicide hacker / Suicide hacker
  • SuperSU / Installing NetHunter
  • SYN flags / XMAS scans
  • Sysinternals
    • reference link / The Windows registry
  • syslog messages / Syslog messages


  • TCP connect scan / Full Open/TCP connect scans
  • tcpdump tool / Tcpdump, Tcpdump, Exercise – detecting a de-authentication attack
  • TCP three-way handshake / Stealth scanning
  • Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) / Installing NetHunter
  • technical data
    • about / Going for technical data
    • WHOIS, used / Using WHOIS
    • Nslookup / nslookup
    • reverse DNS lookup / Reverse DNS Lookups
    • dnsenum, using / Using dnsenum
    • DNSMAP, using / Using DNSMAP
    • traceroute, used / Using traceroute
  • Teensy devices
    • URL / HID attacks
  • Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) / Wi-Fi Protected Access
  • Time to Live (TTL) / Fragmentation
  • tools, packet analysis
    • Dsniff / Dsniff
    • TShark / Tshark
    • Urlsnark / Urlsnarf
    • tcpdump tool / Tcpdump
  • tools, packet sniffing
    • Aircrack-ng / Aircrack-ng
    • arpspoof / Arpspoof
    • Dsniff / Dsniff
    • Kismet / Kismet
    • tcpdump tool / Tcpdump
    • TShark / TShark
    • MITM framework / The MITM framework
  • traceroute
    • about / Using traceroute
    • using / Using traceroute
  • tracks
    • cracking / Clearing tracks
    • clearing / Clearing tracks
  • traffic
    • encrypting / Encrypting traffic
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) / Port scanning
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Man-in-the-Middle
  • TShark / TShark, Tshark
  • tuning / Tuning and tweaking
  • tweaking / Tuning and tweaking
  • TWRP Manager app / Installing NetHunter


  • UDP scanning / UDP scanning
  • URG flags / XMAS scans
  • Urlsnark / Urlsnarf
  • USB Rubber Ducky
    • reference link / DuckHunter HID
    • about / DuckHunter HID
  • user accounts / User accounts
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) / Port scanning


  • virtual machine (VM) / Step 3 – setting up Metasploitable
  • Virtual private network (VPN) / Network information
  • viruses / Viruses
  • VirusTotal
    • reference link / Encrypting traffic
  • VRFY (default) mode / Exercise – working with smtp-user-enum
  • vulnerable systems / Vulnerable systems


  • web server logs / Web server logs
  • WEP Encryption
    • cracking / Cracking WEP Encryption
  • wget
    • using / Using wget
    • working with / Exercise – working with wget
  • white box testing / Types of penetration tests
  • white hat hacker / White hat
    • using / Using WHOIS
    • exercise / Exercise – getting the most from WHOIS
  • Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) / Wi-Fi Protected Access
  • Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 / Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
  • Windows
    • logs, clearing on / Clearing logs on Windows
  • Windows Defender / Viruses
  • Windows Firewall / Windows Firewall
  • Windows registry / The Windows registry
  • Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) / Wired Equivalent Privacy
  • wireless adapters / Wireless adapters
  • wireless attacks
    • about / Wireless attacks
    • injection support, checking for wireless card / Exercise – checking whether a wireless card supports injection
    • access points, detecting / Exercise – detecting access points and their manufacturers
    • WPS version, discovering of access point / Exercise – discovering the WPS version of an access point
    • de-authentication attacks / Exercise – de-authentication attacks
    • specific client, de-authenticating / Exercise – de-authenticating a specific client
    • de-authentication attack, detecting / Exercise – detecting a de-authentication attack
    • hidden SSIDs, discovering / Exercise – discovering hidden SSIDs
    • WEP, cracking / Exercise – cracking WEP and WPA
    • WPA, cracking / Exercise – cracking WEP and WPA
  • wireless authentication modes / Wireless authentication modes
  • Wireless Encryption Standard
    • about / Wireless encryption standard
    • Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) / Wired Equivalent Privacy
    • Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) / Wi-Fi Protected Access
    • Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 / Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
  • wireless networks
    • observing, airmon-ng used / Observing wireless networks using airmon-ng
  • wireless network topologies
    • about / Wireless network topologies
    • Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS) / Independent Basic Service Set
    • Basic Server Set (BSS) / Basic Service Set
    • Extended Service Set (ESS) / Extended Service Set
  • wireless security standards, Wi-Fi Alliance
    • reference link / Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
  • wireless standards / Wireless standards
  • wireless threats
    • rogue access point / Wireless threats
    • evil twin / Wireless threats
    • AP and client MAC spoofing / Wireless threats
    • de-authentication attack / Wireless threats
  • worm / Viruses


  • XMAS scan / XMAS scans
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