Image derivatives – Gradient and Laplacian
We can compute the (partial) derivatives of a digital image using finite differences. In this section, let us discuss how to compute the image derivatives, Gradient and Laplacian, and why they are useful. As usual, let us start by importing the required libraries, as shown in the following code block:
import numpy as np from scipy import signal, misc, ndimage from skimage import filters, feature, img_as_float from import imread from skimage.color import rgb2gray from PIL import Image, ImageFilter import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
Derivatives and gradients
The following diagram shows how to compute the partial derivatives of an image I (which is a function f(x, y)), using finite differences (with forward and central differences, the latter one being more accurate), which can be implemented using convolution with the kernels shown. The diagram also defines the gradient vector, its magnitude (which corresponds to the strength of an edge), and...