Using industry-standard ontologies
There are several industry-standard ontologies available that are open source. These ontologies are, in most cases, easy to adopt and are extendable.
Microsoft offers, through GitHub, several industry-standard ontologies. Currently, the following are available:
We will be focusing on two of them. These are specified in more detail in the following table:
Most of the topologies you find online are not already converted to the DTDL language. Take, for example, the smart building ontology. It originates from an ontology that is represented by using the W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL). OWL is a semantic language that allows us to design simple to complex ontologies by defining and storing the knowledge of entities, their properties, and their relationships. Web-based Visualization of Ontologies (WebVOWL) is a web-based application for interactive visualization of ontologies based on the OWL language...