This chapter was all about the preliminaries. We installed and configured your new instance of PyCharm on your computer. There are several ways you can install PyCharm. You can go the traditional route of just downloading the installer. My preferred way is to install the JetBrains Toolbox app and use that to install and manage PyCharm, along with any other JetBrains tools I might need or want. Using the Toolbox app allows us an easy way to update PyCharm or even perform a clean uninstall should the need arise.
We learned the differences between the three versions of PyCharm. The free Community edition is limited in the types of projects PyCharm supports with integrated tooling. When we created a new project, we were not afforded any project template options. Only “pure Python” projects are supported. This doesn’t mean we can’t create any kind of project; it simply means that the tedious part of setting up different kinds of projects isn’...