Dealing with physics in Unity
So far, everything went smooth and we learned about all the single components of the Physics engine of Unity. However, when it comes to building your own game, dealing with physics might be a little bit tricky. In fact, just some wrong values on some forces and the whole scene can quickly mess up. The best way to solve this is by trial and error. The more you experiment, the more you will become practical with the Physics engine, and you will develop an intuition on how to balance all the values in your game. As a result, you will be able to make your scene act as described in the game design document (or almost).
Dealing with physics isn't just about placing the different components, but also about how to program them. We have already seen some useful functions to apply on a rigidbody as well as some events when two colliders hit each other. But there is more. First of all, it's important to understand that all the variables we have seen of all the components...