- Adafruit / I2C bus and level shifting
- AirPi Air
- reference / See also
- ampere hours (Ah) / Capacity
- analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
- about / Introduction
- used, for reading analog data / Reading analog data using an analog-to-digital converter, How to do it..., How it works...
- analog data
- reading, analog-to-digital converter used / Reading analog data using an analog-to-digital converter
- analog-to-digital converter / How to do it..., How it works...
- gathering, without hardware / Gathering analog data without hardware
- Analogue / How to do it...
- analogue to digital converter (ADC) / Interfacing through I2C
- arithmetic operations / Arithmetic operations
- arrays / Lists
- Auto-MDIX (Automatic Medium-Dependent Interface Crossover) / Getting ready
- automatic delivery answering machine / Automatic delivery answering machine
- automating routing tasks / Automating routing tasks
- autonomous driving
- creating, simple proximity sensor used / Making it fully autonomous
- autonomous emergency braking / Autonomous emergency braking
- bag-of-words model
- building / Building a bag-of-words model, How to do it...
- binary blob / How it works...
- bitwise operators
- in Python / Bitwise operators in Python
- reference link / Bitwise operators in Python
- AND operator / Bitwise operators in Python
- OR operator / Bitwise operators in Python
- NOT operator / Bitwise operators in Python
- XOR operator / Bitwise operators in Python
- left shift operator / Bitwise operators in Python
- right shift operator / Bitwise operators in Python
- Blinky lights
- about / Blinky lights
- code / Code
- Bonjour Installer
- reference / There's more...
- built-in Wi-Fi and bluetooth
- using, on Raspberry Pi / Using built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi
- Wi-Fi network, connecting / Connecting to your Wi-Fi network
- devices, connecting / Connecting to Bluetooth devices
- button
- responding to / Responding to a button, How to do it...
- CAT6 Ethernet cable
- used, for connecting via an Ethernet port / Networking and connecting your Raspberry Pi to the internet via an Ethernet port, using a CAT6 Ethernet cable
- chunking
- used, for dividing text / Dividing text using chunking
- classes / Introduction
- communication interfaces
- UART serial port / UART – serial port
- SPI interface / The SPI interface
- commuters
- improving / Improving daily commute, A challenge to the reader
- compute module / The Raspberry Pi family – a brief history of Pi
- concatenating strings / Concatenating strings
- concatenation / Concatenating strings
- conditional statements
- about / Conditional statements
- if-else statement / An if-else statement
- if-elif-else statement / if-elif-else statement
- applications tasks executing, GPIO used / The applications of conditional statements: executing tasks using GPIO
- loop, breaking out by button presses / Breaking out a loop by counting button presses
- constructor / How it works...
- controlled shutdown button
- about / A controlled shutdown button
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- corners
- detecting, in images / Detecting corners in images
- cross-validation
- used, for evaluating accuracy / Evaluating the accuracy using cross-validation
- CSV files / Writing to CSV files
- reading / Reading from CSV files
- folder existence, checking / Checking for a folder's existence
- files, deleting / Deleting files
- process, killing / Killing a process, The glob module, The shutil module
- current rating
- about / The basics
- repetitive maximum current / The basics
- burst maximum current / The basics
- continuous maximum current / The basics
- data
- logging / Logging and plotting data, How it works...
- plotting / Logging and plotting data, How it works...
- scaling / Scaling and calibrating data
- calibrating / Scaling and calibrating data
- capturing, in SQLite database / Capturing data in an SQLite database, How it works...
- viewing, from webserver / Viewing data from your own webserver, How to do it..., How it works...
- data pre-processing
- tokenization, using / Pre-processing data using tokenization
- dataset
- splitting, for training and testing / Splitting the dataset for training and testing, How to do it...
- creating / Making a dataset
- used, for prediction / Predicting using a dataset
- data type, list
- reference link / Lists
- data types
- in Python / Data types and variables in Python
- degrees of freedom (DOF) / Degrees of freedom
- devices
- using, with I2C bus / Using devices with the I2C bus, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- device trees / Getting ready
- dictionaries / Dictionaries
- dilation / Erosion and dilation, How to do it...
- doc string / Doc strings in Python
- double-pole (DP) switch / Getting ready
- Double throw (DT) / Getting ready
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) / How to do it...
- edge detection
- reference / See also
- edges
- detecting, in images / Detecting edges in images, How to do it...
- electric field sensing / Electric field sensing
- erosin / Erosion and dilation, How to do it...
- Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) / How it works...
- face detector application
- building / Building a face detector application
- face recognition application
- building / Building a face recognition application, How it works...
- reference / How it works...
- face recognition system
- application / Applications of a face recognition system
- file
- reading / Reading from a file
- lines, reading / Reading lines
- appending / Appending to a file
- file, appending
- seek / seek
- n bytes, reading / Read n bytes
- r+ / r+
- File Allocation Table (FAT) partitions / Accessing the RECOVERY/BOOT partition
- file I/O
- about / File I/O
- file, reading / Reading from a file
- file, writing / Writing to a file
- file, appending / Appending to a file
- with keyword / The with keyword
- configparser / configparser
- flask web framework
- about / Flask web framework
- installing / Installing Flask
- appliances, controlling / Controlling appliances using the Flask framework
- Flick HAT
- using / Using the Flick HAT
- for loop
- about / A for loop
- indentation / Indentation
- formatted string output
- about / The formatted string output
- str.format() method / The str.format() method, An exercise for the reader, Another exercise for the reader
- frames per second (FPS) / Programming multiple frames
- Fritzing
- reference / Getting ready
- function
- in Python / Functions in Python
- arguments, passing / Passing arguments to a function:
- value, returning / Returning values from a function
- variable scope / The scope of variables in a function
- GPIO callback functions / GPIO callback functions
- fuze
- reference / Generating other key combinations
- general-purpose input/output (GPIO) / Introduction
- general purpose input/output (GPIO)
- about / The hardware arsenal, A deeper dive into GPIOs
- using / Let's program
- PIR sensor, interfacing / Interfacing the PIR sensor
- ultrasonic proximity sensor, interfacing / Interfacing the ultrasonic proximity sensor
- gesture recognition-based automation / Gesture recognition-based automation
- global variable / The scope of variables in a function
- GPIO callback functions
- about / GPIO callback functions
- DC motor control, in Python / DC motor control in Python
- GPIO keypad input
- about / The GPIO keypad input
- installing / Getting ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- key combinations, generating / There's more...
- gpiozero library
- reference link / The applications of conditional statements: executing tasks using GPIO
- graphical application
- creating / Creating a graphical application – Start menu, How it works..., There's more...
- graphical processing unit (GPU) / The Raspberry Pi family – a brief history of Pi
- graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
- about / Introduction
- creating, Tkinter used / Using Tkinter to create graphical user interfaces, How it works...
- H-bridge motor driver
- about / DC motor control in Python
- reference link / DC motor control in Python
- hardware attached on top (HAT) / Introduction
- hardware multiplexing / Multiplexed color LEDs
- histogram equalization
- using / Histogram equalization, How to do it…
- home folder
- sharing, with Server Message Block (SMB) / Sharing the home folder of Raspberry Pi with SMB, How to do it...
- I-squared-C (I2C) bus
- using, with devices / Using devices with the I2C bus, Getting ready, How to do it..., There's more...
- multiple devices, using / Using multiple I2C devices
- and level shifting / I2C bus and level shifting
- PCF8591 chip, using / Using just the PCF8591 chip or adding alternative sensors
- I/O expander
- used, for extending Raspberry Pi GPIO / Extending the Raspberry Pi GPIO with an I/O expander, How it works...
- voltages and limits / I/O expander voltages and limits
- own module, using / Using your own I/O expander module
- LCD alphanumeric display, direct controlling / Directly controlling an LCD alphanumeric display
- ID EEPROM / The hardware arsenal
- identation, for loop
- nested loops / Nested loops
- if-elif-else statement
- about / if-elif-else statement
- loops, breaking out / Breaking out of loops
- if-else statement / An if-else statement
- IFTTT / Improving daily commute
- image processing
- using, Raspberry Pi Zero / Image processing using a Raspberry Pi Zero
- OpenCV / OpenCV
- images
- displaying / Loading, displaying, and saving images
- loading / Loading, displaying, and saving images
- saving / Loading, displaying, and saving images
- flipping / Image flipping, How to do it...
- scaling / Image scaling, How to do it...
- segmentation / Image segmentation, How to do it...
- blurring / Blurring and sharpening images, How to do it...
- sharpening / Blurring and sharpening images, How to do it...
- edges, detecting / Detecting edges in images, How to do it..., How it works...
- corners, detecting / Detecting corners in images, How to do it...
- Infrared (IR) / Infrared proximity sensor
- infrared proximity sensor / Infrared proximity sensor
- input() function
- reference link / Reading inputs from the user
- int() function
- reference link / Reading inputs from the user
- inter-integrated circuit communication / I2C communication
- inter-integrated circuit drivers
- for lux sensor / I2C drivers for the lux sensor
- Inter-integrated Circuits (I2C)
- interfacing / Interfacing through I2C
- about / Interfacing through I2C
- start condition / Interfacing through I2C
- address frame / Interfacing through I2C
- data frame / Interfacing through I2C
- stop frame / Interfacing through I2C
- interactive door answering robot
- creating / Making an interactive door – answering robot
- internet
- connecting, through proxy server / Connecting to the internet through a proxy server, How to do it..., How it works...
- Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) / Networking directly to a laptop or computer
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- basics / Basics of IoT
- about / Basics of IoT
- Internet Service Provider (ISP) / Getting ready
- intruder detection system
- home, controlling / Controlling the home
- IoT-based intrusion detector
- creating / Making an IoT-based intrusion detector
- Jarvis
- alarm, creating / Making Jarvis wake you up
- relay, working / Working with relay and PIR sensor
- PIR sensor, working / Working with relay and PIR sensor
- motion detection sensor, adding / Making the alarm irritating, Making it even more irritating
- home appliances, enhancing / Turn on the light Jarvis
- motion, enhancing / Understanding motion
- motion, perfecting / Perfecting motion
- basic installation / Basic installation
- creating, to access voice / Making Jarvis understand our voice
- home, creating / Making your home learn
- home, learning / Home learning and automation
- automation / Home learning and automation
- Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) / Secondary hardware connections
- K-30 carbon dioxide sensor
- interfacing, to Raspberry Pi / Example 1 – interfacing a carbon dioxide sensor to the Raspberry Pi
- key combinations
- mouse events, emulating / Emulating mouse events
- key specifications, motors
- voltage rating / The basics
- current rating / The basics
- supply voltage / The basics
- logic supply voltage / The basics
- latched push-button switch / Getting ready
- least significant bit (LSB) / How it works...
- controlling / Controlling an LED, Getting ready, How it works..., There's more...
- GPIO current, controlling / Controlling the GPIO current
- light-emitting diodes (LEDs) / Introduction
- Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
- using / Looking around
- about / Looking around
- on autonomous vehicle / LIDAR on an autonomous vehicle
- Linux Reader
- reference / Accessing the RECOVERY/BOOT partition
- list
- about / Lists
- operations / Operations that could be performed on a list
- building / Let's build a simple game!
- list elements, operations
- set of elements, accessing / Accessing a set of elements within a list
- lists / Lists
- live data
- plotting / Plotting live data
- local variables / The scope of variables in a function
- logging / Logging
- logical operators
- about / Logical operators
- EQUAL operator / Logical operators
- NOT EQUAL, operator / Logical operators
- GREATER THAN operator / Logical operators
- LESS THAN operator / Logical operators
- GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO operator / Logical operators
- LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO operator / Logical operators
- logistic regression
- reference / How to do it...
- logistic regression classifier
- using / Logistic regression classifier
- loops
- in Python / Loops in Python
- for loop / A for loop
- loops, Python
- for loop / A for loop
- while loop / A while loop
- machine code assembler / Why Python?
- manual network configuration
- about / Configuring your network manually
- steps / How to do it...
- Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol / The MQTT protocol
- messages
- writing, persistence of vision (POV) used / Writing messages using persistence of vision, How to do it..., How it works...
- Midori / How to do it...
- milliampere hour (mAh) / Capacity
- mini-project
- challenges / Some mini-project challenges for the reader
- momentary close / Getting ready
- most significant bit (MSB) / How it works...
- motion, Jarvis
- intensity, controlling / Controlling the intensity
- temperature control / Intelligent temperature control
- multiplexer functionality, adding / Adding more
- motors
- basics / The basics
- implementing / Getting it rolling
- speed, changing / Changing the speed
- multiple frames
- programming / Programming multiple frames
- multiplexed color LEDs
- using / Getting ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- hardware multiplexing / Hardware multiplexing
- random patterns, displaying / Displaying random patterns
- multiple colors, mixing / Mixing multiple colors
- Naive Bayes classifier
- building / Building a Naive Bayes classifier, See also
- reference / See also
- neural networks
- used, for building optical character recognizer / Building an optical character recognizer using neural networks, How it works...
- New Out Of Box System (NOOBS)
- about / Getting ready
- used, for setting up Raspberry Pi SD card / Using NOOBS to set up your Raspberry Pi SD card, How to do it..., There's more...
- reference / Getting ready
- Object-Orientated Design (OOD) / There's more...
- object-oriented programming (OOP)
- about / The applications of conditional statements: executing tasks using GPIO, OOP in Python
- in Python / OOP in Python
- example / Revisiting the student ID card example
- class / Class
- methods, adding to class / Adding methods to a class
- doc strings, in Python / Doc strings in Python
- self / self
- OCR system
- applications / Applications of an OCR system
- on-the-go (OTG) / The Raspberry Pi family – a brief history of Pi
- online services
- data, sensing / Sensing and sending data to online services, How to do it...
- data, sending / Sensing and sending data to online services, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- OpenCV
- about / OpenCV
- URL, for installation / OpenCV
- installation, verifying / The verification of the installation
- operations, list
- element, appending / Append element to list:
- element, removing / Remove element from list:
- index element, retrieving / Retrieving the index of an element
- element, popping / Popping an element from the list
- element instances, counting / Counting the instances of an element:
- element, inserting / Inserting element at a specific position:
- extending / Extending a list
- elements, clearing / Clearing the elements of a list
- elements, sorting / Sorting the elements of a list
- elements, reversing / Reverse the order of elements in list
- copies, creating / Create copies of a list
- list elements, accessing / Accessing list elements
- list membership / List membership
- optical character recognizer
- building, neural networks used / Building an optical character recognizer using neural networks, How it works...
- optical characters
- visualizing / Visualizing optical characters, How to do it...
- options, for reading lines
- readline() / Reading lines
- readlines() / Reading lines
- pattern identification, text
- topic modeling, using / Identifying patterns in text using topic modeling, How to do it...
- PCF8591 chip
- reference / Using just the PCF8591 chip or adding alternative sensors
- PEP8 style guide
- for Python / PEP8 style guide for Python
- about / PEP8 style guide for Python
- verifying / Verifying PEP8 guidelines
- persistence of vision (POV)
- used, for writing messages / Writing messages using persistence of vision, How to do it..., How it works...
- phase fired control / Controlling the intensity
- photo information
- displaying, in application / Displaying photo information in an application, How it works..., There's more...
- photos
- organizing / Organizing your photos automatically, How it works...
- reference / Using MySQL instead
- Pi-Kitchen project
- reference / There's more...
- PiGlow / Example 2 – PiGlow
- Pillow / Getting ready
- PINN Is Not NOOBS (PINN) / There's more...
- PIR sensor
- interfacing / Interfacing the PIR sensor
- Portable Pixmap Format (PPM) / How it works...
- potentiometer / Servo motor
- PowerSwitch Tail II
- about / The applications of GPIO control
- reference link / The applications of GPIO control
- power unit
- about / Power house
- voltage / Voltage
- capacity / Capacity
- maximum charge / Maximum charge and discharge rate
- discharge rate / Maximum charge and discharge rate
- chemical composition / Chemical composition
- protection resistors / Protection resistors
- proxy server
- internet, connecting to / Connecting to the internet through a proxy server, There's more...
- pull-down resistor circuits / Pull-up and pull-down resistor circuits
- pull-up resistor circuits / Pull-up and pull-down resistor circuits
- pulse width modulation (PWM) / Playing with voltage, Interfacing through I2C, The basics, Servo motor
- reference / How to do it...
- reference / Using MySQL instead
- pyplot
- reference / Logging and plotting data
- Python
- bitwise operators in / Bitwise operators in Python
- data types in / Data types and variables in Python
- loops in / Loops in Python
- function / Functions in Python
- DC motor control in / DC motor control in Python
- threading / Threading in Python
- Python-uinput
- reference / The GPIO keypad input
- python3-gpiozero library
- reference link / Code
- Python dictionary / How to do it...
- Python Image Library (PIL) / Getting ready
- python package manager (pip) / Getting ready
- Python Software Foundation / Python 2 and Python 3
- queue connection / Controlling the vehicle by Bluetooth
- range() function
- reference link / A for loop
- Raspberry Pi
- about /
- Python, using / Why Python?
- Python 2 / Python 2 and Python 3
- Python 3 / Python 2 and Python 3
- Python version, selecting /
- overview / The Raspberry Pi family – a brief history of Pi
- Model B / The Raspberry Pi family – a brief history of Pi
- Model A / The Raspberry Pi family – a brief history of Pi
- Pi Zero / The Raspberry Pi family – a brief history of Pi
- reference / The Raspberry Pi family – a brief history of Pi
- selecting / Which Pi to choose?
- connecting to / Connecting to Raspberry Pi, How to do it..., There's more...
- display, HDMI / How to do it...
- analogue / How to do it...
- Direct Display DSI / How to do it...
- stereo analogue audio / How to do it...
- network / How to do it...
- Onboard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth / How to do it...
- USB / How to do it...
- micro USB power / How to do it...
- secondary hardware connections / Secondary hardware connections
- networking, to internet via Ethernet port using CAT6 Ethernet cable / Networking and connecting your Raspberry Pi to the internet via an Ethernet port, using a CAT6 Ethernet cable
- connecting, to internet via Ethernet port using CAT6 Ethernet cable / Networking and connecting your Raspberry Pi to the internet via an Ethernet port, using a CAT6 Ethernet cable
- built-in Wi-Fi and bluetooth, using / Using built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi
- connecting, to internet via USB Wi-Fi dongle / Networking and connecting your Raspberry Pi to the internet via aUSB Wi-Fi dongle, How to do it..., There's more...
- USB wired network adapters, using / Using USB wired network adapters
- remote connection, over network using VNC / Connecting remotely to Raspberry Pi over the network using VNC, There's more...
- remote connection, over network using SSH (and X11 forwarding / Connecting remotely to Raspberry Pi over the network using SSH (and X11 forwarding), How to do it..., How it works...
- updating / Keeping Raspberry Pi up to date, There's more...
- hardware interface / Introduction
- speaker or headphone, using / Trying a speaker or headphone with Raspberry Pi
- rebooting / Resetting and rebooting Raspberry Pi
- resetting / Resetting and rebooting Raspberry Pi
- extra functions, adding / Adding extra functions
- K-30 carbon dioxide sensor, interfacing to / Example 1 – interfacing a carbon dioxide sensor to the Raspberry Pi
- setting up / Setting up Raspberry Pi
- used, as switch / Playing with voltage
- Raspberry Pi's GPIO
- hardware requisites / Hardware required for this chapter
- about / Raspberry Pi's GPIO
- Blinky lights / Blinky lights
- applications / The applications of GPIO control
- Raspberry Pi GPIO
- extending, with I//O expander / Extending the Raspberry Pi GPIO with an I/O expander, How it works...
- Raspberry Pi LAN port
- connecting, directly to laptop or computer / Networking directly to a laptop or computer, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works..., Direct network link
- direct network link / Direct network link
- Raspberry Pi operating system image
- reference link / Setting up Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Zero
- used, for image processing / Image processing using a Raspberry Pi Zero
- camera, installing / Installing the camera to the Raspberry Zero
- Raspberry Pi Zero serial port
- setting up / Raspberry Pi Zero's UART port
- Raspbian
- reference / Preparing an SD card manually
- Raspbian Jessie OS image / Code
- red, blue, and green (RGB) / Controlling an LED
- REpresentational State Transfer (REST) / Sensing and sending data to online services
- requisites, manual network configuration
- IPv4 address / Getting ready
- subnet mask / Getting ready
- default gateway address / Getting ready
- Domain Name Service (DNS) server / Getting ready
- RGB LED module
- reference / Getting ready
- robot
- hardware requisites / The hardware arsenal
- creating / Making the robot
- performance, improving / Making it more intelligent, Making it truly intelligent
- safety, creating / Making the robot safe
- robotic arm
- basics / Basics of a robotic arm
- robotic arm kit
- limits, finding / Finding the limits
- speed control / Speed control
- robotic vehicle
- basics / Basics of the vehicle
- components, assembling / Getting the vehicle ready
- controlling, by Bluetooth / Controlling the vehicle by Bluetooth
- safe voltages / Safe voltages
- SD card, setting up
- NOOBS, using / Using NOOBS to set up your Raspberry Pi SD card
- default user password, changing / Changing the default user password
- data corruption, avoiding / Ensuring that you shut down safely
- manual preparation / Preparing an SD card manually
- system, expanding / Expanding the system to fit in your SD card
- RECOVERY/BOOT partition, accessing / Accessing the RECOVERY/BOOT partition
- tools, used for backup / Using the tools to back up your SD card in case of failure
- self-steering capabilities / Giving the car self-steering capabilities
- Sensorian / Example 3 – Sensorian add-on hardware for the Raspberry Pi
- sentence sentiment
- analyzing / Analyzing the sentiment of a sentence
- sentiment analysis
- reference / How to do it...
- applications / Applications of sentiment analysis
- Serial Clock (SCL) / Interfacing through I2C
- Serial Data (SDA) / Interfacing through I2C
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) / The SPI interface
- Server Message Block (SMB)
- used, for sharing home folder / Sharing the home folder of Raspberry Pi with SMB, How to do it...
- service set identifier (SSID) / Getting ready
- servo motor / Servo motor
- sets / Sets
- several motor driver kits
- reference link / DC motor control in Python
- simple proximity sensor
- used, for creating autonomous driving / Making it fully autonomous
- single-pole, single-throw (SPST) / Getting ready
- Single throw (ST) / Getting ready
- Slack API
- reference link / The application of requests – publishing events to the Internet
- solenoids
- working / Working with solenoids
- features / Working with solenoids
- speaker controller
- about / Speaker controller
- light control daemon / Light control daemon
- speech recognition / Speech recognition
- SPI interface
- about / The SPI interface
- external memory chip, writing to / Example 4 – writing to external memory chip
- SQLite database
- data, capturing / Capturing data in an SQLite database, How it works...
- CREATE command / The CREATE TABLE command
- INSERT command / The INSERT command
- SELECT command / The SELECT command
- WHERE command / The WHERE command
- UPDATE command / The UPDATE command
- DELETE command / The DELETE command
- DROP command / The DROP command
- SSH (and X11 forwarding)
- used, for establishing remote connection to Raspberry Pi / Connecting remotely to Raspberry Pi over the network using SSH (and X11 forwarding), How to do it..., How it works...
- Static IP DHCP address / There's more...
- Structured Query Language (SQL) / Capturing data in an SQLite database
- term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) / Building a text classifier
- text
- dividing, chunking used / Dividing text using chunking, How to do it...
- text classifiers
- building / Building a text classifier, How it works...
- applications / Applications of text classifiers
- text data
- stemming / Stemming text data
- Tkinter
- about / Introduction
- used, for creating graphical user interfaces / Using Tkinter to create graphical user interfaces
- graphical user interfaces / How it works...
- tokenization
- used, for pre-processing data / Pre-processing data using tokenization
- topic modeling
- used, for pattern identification in text / Identifying patterns in text using topic modeling, How to do it...
- triangulation / Infrared proximity sensor
- try/except keywords
- about / The try/except keywords
- try-except-else block / try...except...else
- try-except-else-finally block / try...except...else...finally
- tuple / Tuples
- ultrasonic proximity sensor
- interfacing / Interfacing the ultrasonic proximity sensor
- Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) / UART – serial port
- Raspberry Pi zero port / Raspberry Pi Zero's UART port
- Raspberry Pi Zero serial port, setting up / Setting up the Raspberry Pi Zero serial port
- carbon dioxide sensor, interfacing to Raspberry Pi / Example 1 – interfacing a carbon dioxide sensor to the Raspberry Pi
- Python code, for serial port communication / Python code for serial port communication
- inter-integrated circuit communication / I2C communication
- PiGlow / Example 2 – PiGlow
- libraries, installing / Installing libraries
- Sensorian add-on hardware, for Raspberry Pi / Example 3 – Sensorian add-on hardware for the Raspberry Pi
- USB Wi-Fi dongle
- used, for connecting Raspberry Pi / Networking and connecting your Raspberry Pi to the internet via aUSB Wi-Fi dongle, How to do it..., There's more...
- user inputs
- reading / Reading inputs from the user
- formatted string output / The formatted string output
- concatenating strings / Concatenating strings
- variables / Data types and variables in Python
- in Python / Data types and variables in Python
- VNC Viewer
- used, for connecting remotely to Raspberry Pi / Connecting remotely to Raspberry Pi over the network using VNC, There's more...
- reference / How to do it...
- vocabulary
- improving / Improving your vocabulary
- web requests
- weather information, retrieving / The application of requests – retrieving weather information
- events, publishing to internet / The application of requests – publishing events to the Internet
- webserver
- data, viewing / Viewing data from your own webserver, How to do it..., How it works...
- security / Security
- MySQL instead, using / Using MySQL instead
- Wheatstone bridge / Using just the PCF8591 chip or adding alternative sensors
- Wi-Fi adapters
- reference / Getting ready
- widgets / Introduction
- Win32 Disk Imager / Using the tools to back up your SD card in case of failure
- X11 forwarding
- used, for executing multiple programs / Running multiple programs with X11 forwarding
- desktop, executing through / Running as a desktop with X11 forwarding
- used, for Tkinter execution / Running Pygame and Tkinter with X11 forwarding
- used, for Pygame execution / Running Pygame and Tkinter with X11 forwarding
- about / Getting ready
- Xively
- reference / Getting ready
- xively-python library
- reference / Sensing and sending data to online services
- Xming
- reference / How to do it...
- X server / Getting ready
- Yaw Pitch and Roll (YPR) / Basics of a robotic arm