An overview of the currently available design options
We won't get into the technicalities of how to actually code these aspects up right away, but instead just begin with the information you need to hash out your design concept.
Then, after we work through putting together your design concept, we'll get into which files to create and what code to write in order to take that concept into production.
The themeable areas of a Ghost blog
The different themeable areas of Ghost are as follows:
Default (required): This is a wrapper around all your other theme areas. It typically holds your header, footer, and any other elements that should appear everywhere throughout your theme.
Index (required): This is a paginated list of your posts beginning on your homepage with the most recent.
Post (required): Display of an individual post. Posts can be tagged.
Tag Archive (optional but recommended): This is a list of all posts under a specific selected tag. If no theme styling is included, tag archives will...