Do you know your type of leadership?
Everyone has their own built-in approach to leading others. Do you know what yours is? Answer the following questions to get to know your leadership style:
Your leadership style scheme
Your leadership style is a part of who you are. The most effective leaders, however, know how to use all these leadership styles and adapt them to the situation. Not every leadership style is effective in every situation, or with every employee. Just as you lead differently, each of your followers responds in their own way. Also, every situation requires its own approach.
Now that you have become familiar with the six styles of emotional intelligence leadership, you can identify your own style and even adapt to the situation at hand. Leadership can and should be situational, depending on the needs of the team. Sometimes a teammate needs a warm hug. Sometimes the team needs a visionary, a new style of coaching. For that reason, great leaders choose their leadership style like...