Correction of users' spelling mistakes
Typos and spelling mistakes are often encountered due to many reasons. Therefore, correcting typos and user spelling mistakes is an integral part of a good search experience. When you search for a phrase that is close to another frequently searched phrase, you may see the did you mean phrase, which helps correct users' spelling mistakes, as search engines use this form to improve the user search experience. For such a case, this is what Google shows us when we type in threat safe instead of thread safe. Take a look at the following screenshot as an example:

Elasticsearch allows us to use the Suggest API functionality. In this section, we will look at how to use the Suggest API both in simple use case scenarios and the basic configuration settings.
The Suggest API suggests similar terms based on text that you provided by using a suggester. Elasticsearch allows us to use three suggesters that provide three different functionalities. These are...