Course discussions
Course discussions encourage interaction among students and the course staff. You can set up different topics to encourage engagement and create a community. Discussions are also good sources of feedback. A discussion offers three hierarchical levels of interaction:
- Post: This opens a new subject. It is often posed as questions, either to start a conversation or to bring up an issue that requires action. When you add a post, you categorize it as a question or a discussion.
- Response: This is a reply made directly to a post to offer an insight or a solution in a way that continues the conversation.
- Comment: This is often a clarification made to a specific response rather than to the post as a whole.
When you create a course, a discussion topic named "General"
is available by default; you can add more course-wide discussions. In courses with cohorts enabled, all course-wide discussion topics you add are unified. All the posts can be read and responded to by every student...