NGINX ingress installation
NGINX is the most widely used ingress controller on Kubernetes. It has all the necessary features that you need for basic and complex configurations to expose your application. It has all the experience and support of the community behind NGINX. It’s stable and you can still use it for devices using ARM processors.
To install the NGINX ingress controller, follow the given steps:
- Create a namespace to install the NGINX ingress controller:
$ kubectl create ns nginx-ingress
- Add the repository that contains the Helm Chart of the NGINX ingress controller and update the repository of charts that Helm is going to use:
$ helm repo add ingress-nginx $ helm repo update
- Install the NGINX ingress controller with the following command:
$ helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -n nginx-ingress
This will output that the installation was successful.
- To check whether the