Common day-2 operations with Harbor
Now that we have a working setup of Harbor, let’s look into some important day-2 operations that we may need to perform on it. We will cover the following activities in this section:
- Creating and configuring a project in Harbor, which is the multi-tenancy enabling construct on Harbor that allows different teams to have separate configurations
- Configuring automated image scanning and working with the scan results
- Preventing insecure images from being used to deploy containers using them
- Configuring image replication to allow selective access to the external images
- Performing a cleanup of unused image tags to free up the storage quota of a project
As you can see here, we have lots of ground to cover. So, let’s get started.
Configuring a project in Harbor
Let’s create a new project called project-1 and configure it using the admin user we used previously to verify the installation:
- Click...