Fostering innovation
Liz Keogh: There's a couple of things you can do: one is to make sure things are safe to fail. If it's not safe to fail, nobody's going to try anything that might fail, and so DevOps, at least a good DevOps culture, makes things safe to fail. If you can't get innovation, focus on how we make sure it's safe to fail, how we get good quality in production, how we get the things that you can get right right, and then make sure it's okay to get things wrong.
You can focus on continuous delivery and then continuous deployment, and that's great—get your phoenix servers up and running. Then there's the other thing you can do. There's a thing called the shallow dive into chaos, which Cognitive Edge teaches as part of their Cynefin training. It involves taking people and splitting them up so that you get a divergence of ideas, and the idea, like chaos, is to create an urgent opportunity, but it's also a place where...