The journey to DevOps
Viktor Farcic: I'd like to start with a quick introduction. Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got into DevOps?
Damon Edwards: Between 2005 and 2007, I was a part of a boutique consulting organization that focused on what are now called deployment pipelines. Back then, web-scale services were still a fairly new idea, but we were experts in configuring and deploying applications at scale.
When the industry started to become more cloud-oriented, whether it was virtualized in VMware or the nascent AWS EC2, everything became part of the software stack. We found that this actually suited us as we mostly came from an operations-heavy background. Between 2007 and 2009, it became obvious that scale was no longer the issue; the technical aspect of deployment was becoming a solved problem.
The challenge, as we were being told by our customers, was they wanted to be able to get things done more quickly, moving at a pace where they can...