Understanding the client-server architecture of Docker
Let's recollect our main objective: we want to deploy a sample Spring application named Pet-clinic
on our Tomcat server. How it is different when we install tomcat in the virtual machine and use containers? In Container environment, host OS is installed and then it is used to host container layer. Container layer is used for provisioning container instances. Container instances are extremely lightweight and efficient as extra libraries or resources are needed for the operating system that is needed in the virtual machine while not in case of containers.
For that, in the rest of the section, we will try to use the existing Tomcat image and also create a sample image with a Tomcat installation:
Navigate to https://hub.docker.com , and after you login, search for
in the search section. Click ontomcat
, and you will be presented with something like this:Verify the images with
docker images
, and then try to run the Tomcat image. It...