Section 6: Build It, Run It, Own It
In previous sections, we've been discussing the approach we're taking in discovering and prioritizing work to deliver applications such as PetBattle. This includes the many aspects we need to consider when building the solution's components. Now it's time to actually deliver working software:

Figure 14.0.1: Focusing on the How
This section is where we do the following:
- Build the solution components (the API, frontend, and so on) using our preferred automation stack.
- Deploy these components onto the OpenShift Container Platform in a repeatable way.
- Own and manage them so that we can watch the site grow and thrive in a culture that empowers our community of motivated developers.
Once our master cat plan is complete, we will become filthy rich in the process! As PetBattle investors, we can then buy islands, invest in space engineering, or just sip martinis by the pool all...