Be the best mentee for your mentor
A good mentee will pay close attention and will work on the things that need to be worked on. A good mentee will do things to get closer to the mentor and will want to do things with the mentor... as much as possible, of course! You want to be appropriate and respectful, not overly demanding of your mentor. Strive to be the best mentee to your mentor by doing the things suggested, applying the things you need to apply, and asking questions. Also, be helpful to your mentor. Help your mentor achieve things they want and work on their projects as well. The closer the relationship that you build with your mentor, the more results you are going to have in your own life. And once your mentorship arrangement comes to a close, you should continue to say thanks every so often when you think of them. This goes both ways – when you have given and received mentorship, sending a note of thanks and appreciation can deepen the trust and connection in your...