Baruch's hot topics in tech
Baruch Sadogursky: As we discussed, more people are starting to understand what developer relations is and how to do it right. I track those developments as part of my professional growth as a developer relations specialist. I try to go to all the DevRelCons, read the books that are available, and participate in podcasts and conversations.
"We have the ability to evolve software all across the board at a velocity that we've never seen before."
—Baruch Sadogursky
One of the most exciting areas in tech is accelerating the continuous delivery of software and migrating from continuous delivery to continuous updates. We have the ability to evolve software all across the board at a velocity that we've never seen before. That's exciting because this proliferation of software at a previously unseen speed is something that is extremely important for the world today. When you try to think for a second...